What This Blog Is For

Hi everyone! We (Veelacat and Angela) created this blog because of the fact that we often create something spectacular, and want to show people how we did it, and what it is. So, welcome to our blog!

Angela always writes in purple. This means that right now, this is Angela speaking. Hi! *Waves* We would appreciate it if you follow our blog, and/or comment. there's also a chatbox at the bottom of this page. If you want to, leave a comment there. Oh, and Veelacat always writes in red.

thanks for reading. Love you all! *hugs*
- Angela

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Steampunk Necklace PICTURES

Nope. No tutorial this time. :) Just pictures. The thing about steampunk is that it's more of a feel, less of a "style". So, yeah. Just pictures, but I hope you like it. My fingers are still sore from bending all those chain bits and jump rings. :P

not that this especially counts for steam punk. Not much that is "useful" in a sense, lol. Anyway... just in the "style" of steampunk.

and end of ramble.